helps us to perform to the best of our abilities.
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties
and hold them in the right scale of values.
One mistake will never kill you.
The same mistake over and over will.
It takes strength to stand alone;
It takes courage to lean on others.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be
strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
~Helen Keller~
Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see
who cares enough to break them down.
In the difficult truths you will find much power.
Though the truth may hurt for a moment,
in the long run it can also set you free.
~Ralph Marston~
The path to freedom is through truth, acceptance, effort & determination.
There is no problem that can survive such a positive onslaught.
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