1) Set A Comfortable Temperature - Don't set the temperature to the extremes or the air conditioner will never cycle off and this will cost you money. Try selecting a comfortable room temperature to save on running costs.
2) Have Refrigerant Levels Tested - A refrigeration mechanic or contractor can test your system to determine if you have a refrigerant leak. If your system appears to be either cooling or heating less than normal, it is a good sign that you may have a gas leak.
3) Seal Off Any Droughts - Droughts and gusts of wind can really cool down your home when your trying to warm it up in winter. Drought stoppers and sealing cracks can reduce these droughts which will keep the warmth in and reduce your heating bills substantially.
4) Learn How To Use Your System - If you are not entirely sure how to use your air conditioning system, you are probably using it wrong. Speak with an air conditioning contractor for some good advice on how to run your air conditioner.
5) Clean Filters & Ducts -Finally, give your ducts and filters a quick clean. It is the simplest thing to do to get your hvac system to run better again.
Stick to these 5 tips and you will be sure to save money off your next power bill.
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