Tuesday, February 2, 2010



72 Years...



"This problem is conveniently solved by writing down the necessary equations. Note that there are 12 months in a year, 52 weeks in a year, and 365 days in a year.

Let m be my age in years. If s is my son's age in years, then my son is 52s weeks old. If g is my grandson's age in years, then my grandson is 365g days old. Thus,

365g = 52s.

Since my grandson is 12g months old,

12g = m.

Since my grandson, my son and I together are 120 years,

g + s + m = 120.

The above system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns (g, s and m) can be solved as follows.

m / 12 + 365 m / (52 × 12) + m = 120 or

52 m + 365 m + 624 m = 624 × 120 or

m = 624 × 120 / 1041 = 72.

So, I am 72 years old."


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